Massive Mutual Fund Availability at Low or No Cost to Citizens Worldwide
Clients can select from thousands of free mutual funds or pay just € 4.95 (or equivalent) per trade.** Sanders also noted that, unlike many competitors, Interactive Brokers never charges a custody fee. Moreover, Interactive Brokers’ Mutual Funds Marketplace includes products exclusively from outside companies.
“Instead of pushing proprietary funds like Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab and others do, Interactive Brokers is product neutral,” Sanders said. “We have a fantastic variety of fund families available in our agnostic marketplace.”
To facilitate searching the massive marketplace, this week Interactive Brokers also introduced a Mutual Fund Search Tool to let clients and non-clients search products and sort by their country of residence, commission charged, fund type and fund family.
In addition to mutual funds, Interactive Brokers clients can invest in stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, and ETFs in 135 markets in 31 countries from a single integrated account.
“Interactive Brokers has always focused on providing advanced technology, superior pricing and breadth of product worldwide. We have now built the largest no-load mutual funds marketplace to help investors enjoy increased access to global markets and greater diversification,” Sanders said.
Residents of Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, and Singapore will not have immediate access to the marketplace but should check back for availability. Access is not available to residents of sanctioned countries or territories.